WOW!!! It's been awhile since I posted. Well Kassidy is now 3 1/2 months old and is growing sooo much. She is such a good baby. We got her ears pierced on November 24th and she did sooo good and they look soo cute!!! She had her first Thanksgiving, I wish it was our holiday with Kruz so we could have gotten a family pic of all of us on her first Thanksgiving, but my ex had him. This year we went to Dave's families Thanksgiving since we went to my mom's last year. We are trading every year because it is too hard to go to 2 places that day. Kruz was bummed he didn't get to spend the holiday with us, but he had fun at his dad's.
Kruz is such a good big brother!! He loves to hold her and help feed her. He loves seeing her everyday and is amazed and how much she is learning. She is already trying to sit up on her own, she laughs all the time and just has the cutest personality. We had to take her to the doctor's because her eye was stuck shut 2 mornings in a row and she was sooo congested she was having a hard time breathing. Turns out she had pink eye and a severe cold, they had to do a deep suction in her nose, and if any of you have had your kids do that you know how sad and awful that is.
Well I don't have that many pics, because my camera was lost for awhile.... I have lots on my phone, but have no clue how to put them on here. When I figure it out I will hav a blog post on just the pics from my phone :). Hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for Christmas
Oh Tiffani she is the cutest little thing ever!! She is definitely going to be a heartbreaker.